Thursday, July 12, 2018

Seven Important Tips For Fuel Efficiency

For one minute, fuel prices are stable; the next, they’re soaring.  Because of this, many people opt to get a hybrid car, one which uses more than one method of propulsion, combining petrol or a diesel engine with an electric motor.  However, most drivers still use vehicles that rely fully on petrol or diesel as fuel.   Here are some tips for more efficient fuel consumption.

Minimize car use.  On short trips, it’s better to walk or carpool to save on fuel.  This can also benefit the environment as a car’s catalytic converter (the exhaust emission control device) does not operate properly until it’s warmed up. 

Avoid the rush hour.  To avoid getting stuck in traffic jam for hours, either go to work an hour earlier than the usual morning commute or leave the office later than everybody else.

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Don’t floor it.  Hitting the pedal to the metal can wastes gas, as the harder one accelerates, the more fuel is wasted.  Step on the gas pedal gently and take about 5 seconds before accelerating the car up to 15mph from a stop.

Drive steadily.  Spurts of acceleration and dips in speed can increase one’s fuel consumption by up to 20 percent.  When driving on a highway, use cruise control.

Leave behind unnecessary weight.  A car needs more fuel to drive around with more weight.  Avoid carrying unnecessary stuff in a car’s trunk to drive efficiently.

Turn the air-condition off.  During windy and pleasant days, it’s better to keep the windows down.  Using the air-conditioning unit whole year round can be costly.

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Check car tires.  Make sure to pump the tires to the highest pressure recommended by the manufacturer and keep wheels properly aligned to reduce fuel consumption, improve handling, and extend tire life.

Jeff Lupient, the president and CEO of the Lupient Automotive Group in Minnesota, has worked every job in the automotive retail business as early as his mid-teens. For more articles like this, visit this blog.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

How To Handle Objection In Sales

It is easy for salespeople to get discouraged when faced with objections to their pitch, because it is inherent in most people to hate being rejected. However, objections are not always a bad thing, as a matter of fact, they can be a positive response, as long as they are viewed with the right perspective.

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An objection is an indication that the prospect is somehow interested in the product or service being offered to them. If they are totally blasé, they would not waste their time presenting their objections or simply respond with indifference.

Objections, though, should be managed well, so that there would be translation of sales. The following are some tips on what to do:

  • Listen with empathy: As soon as salespeople hear an objection, they should not cut in without letting the customer finish his retort. They should learn how to listen with understanding where the customer is coming from to make sure that they could address the real reasons behind the objections.
  • Validate the objection by repeating it: By echoing an objection, customers can be assured that their concerns are being attended to and are given an opportunity to clarify their statement.
  • Practice answering objections: An effective way of handling objections is by learning how to answer commonly raised ones. Objections can be anticipated through research and gathering feedbacks from prospects and customers.
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Since he was 15 years old, MN-native Jeff Lupient has been in the automotive retail business. He has decades of experience in sales and business development, topics which you can read more about by visiting this website.